In Japan at present, 53,963 official umpires and 11,559 official scorers are affiliated to the JSA. To qualify you must pass 3 levels. The basic level (Level 3) entitles you to umpire/ scorers up to prefectural level tournaments. Level 2 staff work at regional block tournaments and Level 1 umpires and scorers supervise at national events.
Also, 37 umpires are internationally recognized and these umpire at Under 19s Mens and Womens World Championships. Umpires from Japan took part at the 1996, 2000 and 2004 Olympic Games.
There is no International committee for scorers as yet, but at the 2006 Doha Asian Game, JSA scorers played their part.
Every year, in an attempt to further increase numbers of official umpires (of Levels 1,2 and 3) and scorers, they must attend prefectural and regional meetings where ways to improve standards are researched and implemented.
